Carbon Steel Welding Alberta

Carbon steel pipe welding presents unique challenges to welders. Primarily, there are different types of carbon steel with wildly varying chemical compositions. Welders need to know the kind of carbon steel pipe they’re working with and adjust their techniques and tools accordingly.

At Advanced Flow Systems, our welders are trained and equipped to deliver the highest quality carbon steel pipe welding, alloy steel pipe welding and virtually any other piping material. Contact us today at our Alberta and British Columbia plants to request a quote on your piping project.

Welding carbon steel

There are four crucial things to consider when welding carbon steel: carbon content, carbon equivalency, cooling rate and other chemical compositions.

  • Carbon content. The carbon content in carbon steel can range from almost zero to 2.1 per cent. The lower the carbon content, the easier it is to weld. When the carbon content exceeds 0.3 per cent, the welding process requires special heat treatment to prevent the weld from cracking. High-carbon steel (above 0.61 per cent) is even more prone to cracking, so you need a more thorough preheat and post-heat process and special filler material.
  • Carbon equivalency. You can have two steel pipes with the same carbon content, but one can contain an element such as manganese which requires a different welding process. Carbon equivalency takes these factors into account. The higher the carbon equivalency, the more difficult it is to weld.
  • Cooling rate. When a carbon steel weld cools quickly, it can crack. The carbon content and thickness of the piping may require pre- and post-heating processes.
  • Chemical composition. Some types of carbon steel contain lead, which should never be welded because of the high risk of cracking. The same goes for carbon steel with sulphur and phosphorous levels of more than 0.05 per cent.

Your trusted carbon steel pipe welding company in Alberta

Advanced Flow Systems is an industry leader in carbon steel pipe welding, bending and painting. We manufacture large piping projects and minor components. We’re your single source for all your piping needs. Contact us today in Calgary, Alberta or Chilliwack, British Columbia to learn more about our products and services.